Sunday, November 14, 2010

budha's hands

Matthew and I said a sleepy goodbye to Daddy this morning as he headed up to Cleveland for the football game. After too many rounds of Uno to count we finally got dressed and left the house. Our first stop; Whole Foods Market. I love it when we have lots of time to wander around- I think that may be one of my favorite stores. Matthew had a great time choosing his bananas and watermelon slices and he learned the joys of tasting the treats in those see through globes spread throughout the store. He tasted apple and pineapple and three different kinds of cheese, and after each bite I handed him he politely said "thank you very much" to me in Chinese. Today was a good Chinese language day- he used his new words and phrases all day, something I can usually not get him to do.

We found a new fruit- "budha's hands". Have not tasted it yet, but I think it is some sort of citrus.

isn't it amazing looking? You can't find that at Giant Eagle... Our quest to try new foods and to make them all healthy is off to a great start this week.

We shared lunch at the market and then headed to the park, where my little guy had more fun tossing leaves in the air than playing on the slides and ladders. And I got a great walk in.  Now he is asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed, surrounded by toy catalogues and his stuffed baby animals. It has been a great day so far. There was one moment in the wine aisle when we encountered a family dressed entirely in Steelers clothes. I held my breath as Matthew pointed at them and loudly stated that "we don't like the Steelers." The young boy sporting the Steelers shirt replied "We don't like the Browns!" And both of us mom's quickly steered our carts in opposite directions.
my little Brown's fan

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